How Do I Know If A Dating Sits Is A Trusted & Legitimate Ukrainian Dating Site?
When searching for a legitimate Ukrainian dating site that you can be assure is a trusted Ukrainian dating site, there are several points to look out for to ensure you are in safe hands.
Always be sure you are not signing up to a PPL site (Pay per letter) these sites operate a system that scams Western men out of thousands and thousands of dollars every year. The never allow you to have any direct contact with any ladies, all is done through the third party (The web site) usually these sites will charge you up to $10.00 to open and send messages to any ladies that you like.
The problem is you will not in fact be writing to any of these ladies, these firms hire married women and students to write fake letters with conversations about marriage.
These sites will always ensure you never receive any contact information from any ladies, they will avoid that like the plague until they finally disappear after you have spent probably $1000 on letters.
If you want to find a legitimate and trusted Ukrainian dating site it is always advisable to stick to a monthly subscription site, here you will pay a monthly fee usually $20-40 that will allow you unlimited access to all the Ukrainian singles on the site, this will include the freedom to exchange contact information with all the ladies , thus allowing you to speak directly with any Ukrainian lady via Skype or Whats app.
There are many subscription Ukrainian personals sites on the net and it should not be to hard to find yourself one, usually they are the web sites that are not full of young beauty queens in erotic clothing.
Real legitimate Ukrainian dating sites will have a broad selection of Ukrainian women, fat, slim, beautiful, not so beautiful, old and young, just like any mainstream dating sites.
Good luck with your searches.